Saturday, September 24, 2011

september days.

ASCYO orchestra.
Acting I.
History co-op.
Spanish II.
Algebra II.
NaNoWriMo brainstorming (heck yes!).
Baby-sitting. Maybe giving some violin lessons. 
Knitting a really long scarf for the winter. 
Polishing up 'Blackbird' on the guitar.
Getting over my sore throat (my voice was pretty much gone for a couple of days...).
Smiling at the Winnie the Pooh quote on my wall.
Reading through 2 Samuel and Matthew in my devotions.
Gradually organizing my room.
Reading Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Elliot. 
Making North&South fanvids.
Enjoying the days when the weather is chilly and bright (and being slightly exasperated by the ones that aren't).

These are my days of late. So far I'm liking the school year. :)