Thursday, March 24, 2011

movies of 2011.

Okay, so, I'm fairly new to this going-to-the-movie-theater business. As a kid I grew up watching the same movies, pretty much; Disney, mostly. Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, Toy Story. We loved musicals (Sound of Music) and Jane Austen (Pride&Prejudice, over and over). Awesome movies, of course. But now that I'm older, I can also look forward to movies coming up! :) I thought I'd share my thoughts on some of the ones I'm particularly excited about.

5. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Johnny Depp is brilliant. We all know this. I'm a huge fan of the 1st Pirates movie, and mostly it's because of Johnny. I really didn't like the 3rd movie, and mostly it's because of Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly. So guess what? They're not in this one! Which means with a good script, it could be just as good- or better than, Curse of the Black Pearl.

4. The Muppets

I don't know much about this movie in particular, but I do know about the muppets. Kermit the Frog's gonna be in this one, thank goodness, and that's all I need to know! It'll be released in November, though, so that's a while away.

3. Winnie the Pooh

I love Winnie the Pooh. I even wrote a post about it, as you may have seen. Now, this has the potential to be really good or really bad. So far, what I've seen is really good. It looks to be a bunch of stories from the books wound together to make an epic plot. Fingers crossed!

2. Cars 2

Of course. Pixar is amazing. But for me, Cars 1 wasn't that amazing. A sequel? Ehh. But hey, I said that about Toy Story 3, and it turned out to be my favorite Pixar movie. So I'm highly anticipating this film anyway!

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

There's a certain crowd of people who are really looking forward to this one... and I'm in that crowd. It's the final film in the series, and a long time coming. There's been some ups and downs, but so far the movies have been pretty good. Deathly Hallows looks like it'll be the best yet. Can't wait!

As you can see, I'm a pretty mild movie watcher. Not a big fan of thriller/action movies. Oh well :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

a revelation.

As you may already know -although the odds are that you don't, which is why I'm telling you- my computer sort of... crashed. I could lie and say it did this of its own accord; however, the truth is that I was an idiot and spilled  a large amount of water all over the keyboard.
Dang it.
That being said, I have discovered something that perhaps I had known beforehand, but had never really experienced. Here it is:
You can get a lot more work done in the absence of a computer! I know, I was as shocked as you ;) It's amazing how quickly a math lesson goes by without gmail or online tv episodes. Ha.

There is a severe downside to this predicament. I can't write my book, as it's exclusively located on my computer. That was a stupid decision, in hindsight. Fingers crossed that we can get it fixed!
If not, I was thinking about getting an iPad. Thoughts?

Ahem. Now that that's off my chest, I'd like to make a music recommendation. Being the film score nerd that I am, this piece is right off a soundtrack. Perhaps you've seen 'How to Train Your Dragon'. This is a track from that, and ohh my gosh. Just listen to it. I love it, the Celtic sounds, the time changes, the hybrid of exciting themes. ...Yes :)