Thursday, August 25, 2011

schoolwork, pies, and hayrides.

Go outside, right now. Go on! And while you're out there, take a big snort of air. Close your eyes... smell the air again.

Do you get it? The scent of fall? Can you smell the crackling orange leaves, the bite of cold, the hint of apple pie baking in someone's oven? Can you hear the sound of notebooks being opened for the first time, their pages rustling with gleeful anticipation of being written on? Are you ready to pick apples from a tree, or select a pumpkin to carve from a field? Are you ready to go a hayride with friends, get lost in a corn maze, and prepare a costume for the Harvest Party? Are you ready to get fresh new textbooks, new assignments, new classmates and new teachers?

I am! I am so ready. Autumn is the best season of the year, dontcha think? The weather is usually perfect- a brisk chill that allows you to wear jackets and sweaters and boots without looking like Humpty-Dumpty (cough... winter). Also, I know it's cliche, but when you drive past some woods with their leaves ablaze with color, does it not give you a thrill?

True, fall hasn't really descended upon us yet. But I felt I had to do this post... I'm quite excited, as you can see.
I'll leave it here, with a question: what do you like (or not like) about this incoming season?


  1. AHHHH dittodittoditto everything you just said!!!!!! Fall is the BESTTTTTT!!!!!!! And yes, I can sense the beginnings of it in the weather already. And school - I am so EXCITED for school. yay!

  2. I must agree with the sentiments concerning rustling notebooks and Humpty-Dumpty. :)
