Saturday, October 30, 2010

dressing up for halloween

Now, Halloween. October 31st. That creepy 'holiday' with jack-o-lanterns and plastic skeletons and the 'paint it yourself!' wooden cutouts of witches and ghosts from Michaels. Oh yes. It's so pleasant to see all those things on my neighbors' lawns a month preceding the actual day. And then the actual day comes, which means trick-or-treating little kids and toilet papering teens. Sigh.
We never did any of that as a family, because there was the Harvest Party at church. That was quite fun. Free candy for playing games? Heck yes! And this year, I am able to help.
There's a catch, though. I have to find a costume. Now, I loved dressing up when I was yea high (sp?). But I've grown out of all my princess dresses and my colonial nightcaps, you see. To what do I turn?
A ninja in disguise.
Yep. Like a superhero in disguise (Peter Parker?) I shall subtly show off my ninja skills to the small children, while balancing it out with a friendly, nerdy disposition. It's incredibly creative, I know.
Speaking of creativity, my brother has decided to go as Buddy the Elf, yellow tights and all.
...heh. So, do tell me what you think of ninja idea. I think it's brilliant, but everyone is entitled to their opinion...

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