Sunday, May 22, 2011

christ is stronger.

It's about 2:30 in the morning right now, but I'd been lying in bed feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotions. I came to listen to this song we sung earlier today in church, called 'You Are Stronger', by Hillsong.
And... wow. I was hit with something, really hard. Here are the lyrics:

No beginning, and no end
You're my hope and my defense 
You came to seek and save the lost 
You paid it all, upon the cross
You are stronger
You are stronger
Sin is broken, 
You have saved me 
It is written, "Christ is risen." 
Jesus, You are Lord of all
So, let Your name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher!
Be lifted higher!

I've been thinking about evangelism a lot lately- how Jesus commanded us to go and proclaim the glorious Truth to everyone. And I've been feeling hopeless. After all, I'm thinking, there are so many unbelievers, all over the world. Most are firmly planted in what they believe- whether it be another religion, or science, or nothing at all. It is such an impossible task. How can I ever do this?
So I listened to that song again. And the lyrics struck me, reminding me what was wrong with that anxious thought I have. 
He paid it all, upon the cross.
He broke off the chains of sin.
He conquered death.
He is stronger.
I am not strong. I am weak, selfish, and afraid. I haven't done anything. Christ has done it all- He is the authority!
To paraphrase a point from one of Mr. Harris' messages the other week: When we tell people about the Gospel, we're not telling them what we've done. We're telling them what Christ has done! 
"Look! See what Christ has done for me? He wants to do the same for you!"
It's not about us. We needn't rely on our own strength- because we lean on Christ. 
Jesus Christ is stronger. He is stronger than doubts. He is stronger than the most stubborn person. He is stronger than addictions. He is stronger than temptation, than the Devil.

Christ is stronger. Let us lift His name higher, by His grace!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

and another thing changes.

Tonight was my last concert with the Intermediate III ensemble. It's really very sad.
I've been part of the Music Academy for 5 years now. I've worked my way up from the beginner group, when I could barely play a G major scale all the way through. I've played with mostly the same people- it's like we've grown up together through music. Yes, that was cheesy. But it's true. We've had the best director ever, Mrs. Rachael Boer. She's been so caring and encouraging, and has always striven to give the glory back to God through our playing. I most likely wouldn't have stuck to it if it wasn't for her.

Sarah, Elisabeth, Chichi, Maddi, Charlotte, Emily, Julia, and Bekah: I love you all muchly. Thanks for the wonderful times!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

goodbye, school year.

School is nearly over. By the beard! Can you believe it? I certainly can't. This year has, to borrow the cliche term, really flown by. My first year in highschool, gone in a flash. Yet it was a beautiful flash. I've learned so much these past 8 months, and I don't just mean school-wise.
The Lord has spoken to me in so many ways, and through lots of wonderful, caring people. He's given me a joy in Him that nothing else can satisfy, and He's shown me His power and mercy countless times. Oh, how we ought to praise Him.
This year, other things have happened as well- I've found a passion for music and for playing my violin that I didn't have before, and a passion for writing that I didn't have before. I've taken my first outside classes, and loved them (nerd alert!). I've taken a dance class, and failed (nonathletic nerd alert!). I've gotten contact lenses (aha! I'm becoming less of a nerd now).
And more... but that's all for now. The point is, it's been a packed two semesters.
However, I'm ready for summer. Are you?

p.s. As I won't be a 9th grader much longer, I'm going to be a bit of a pain and change the URL for this blog again. I'm awfully sorry! It's now :)