Friday, July 8, 2011

a christian anthem.

I was listening to the Newsboys song, 'I Am Free'. Yeah, remember them? Those were the good times :)
Anyway, AWESOME song. There's a line in there I wanted to share with you. It's quite short, but incredibly profound.

"I am free to live for You!"

That's it. How amazing!
We've been freed from such a deadly peril: a life of sin and hopelessness, an eternity in hell. We're no longer enslaved to sin, no longer a prisoner of Satan!
We've been given forgiveness and have been born again as a child of God... so what do we do with that? Enjoy life here on earth then head straight for heaven? Nope.
We have been freed to live for the Lord. We have been freed to proclaim God's goodness to the world. Sounds weird to somebody that isn't a Christian, probably. Aren't we just being subjected to another kind of oppression? Well, John 14:15 says, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." Which means it must be a joy for us to serve Him, and an exciting goal to strive towards. That doesn't mean it's easy, of course. But He has poured out His grace on us, and promised that He will never leave us, nor forsake us.

Oh, praise Him!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Summer... summer, summer.
It has officially started (for me) today. I'm excited. I'm ready to go out into the world and be a spontaneous (yet discerning) teen. Woohoo!

...I must tell you the truth, now. I've never liked summer much. I mean, sure, it's great to have a break from stress for a couple of months. But it's hot, and it's sticky, and it's head-ache inducing. And I get bored. If I don't have a goal I'm striving towards, or a project I'm working on, or school work to spend late nights on... I feel listless. I'm not much of a party girl, so that's not a valid solution for me.
However, I was wondering... do you have any ideas? Something I could have to do during these long, hot days? I'd love to hear suggestions, however wacky :) Hit me up with a comment!