Friday, July 8, 2011

a christian anthem.

I was listening to the Newsboys song, 'I Am Free'. Yeah, remember them? Those were the good times :)
Anyway, AWESOME song. There's a line in there I wanted to share with you. It's quite short, but incredibly profound.

"I am free to live for You!"

That's it. How amazing!
We've been freed from such a deadly peril: a life of sin and hopelessness, an eternity in hell. We're no longer enslaved to sin, no longer a prisoner of Satan!
We've been given forgiveness and have been born again as a child of God... so what do we do with that? Enjoy life here on earth then head straight for heaven? Nope.
We have been freed to live for the Lord. We have been freed to proclaim God's goodness to the world. Sounds weird to somebody that isn't a Christian, probably. Aren't we just being subjected to another kind of oppression? Well, John 14:15 says, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." Which means it must be a joy for us to serve Him, and an exciting goal to strive towards. That doesn't mean it's easy, of course. But He has poured out His grace on us, and promised that He will never leave us, nor forsake us.

Oh, praise Him!


  1. This IS a glorious truth, that we are free to live for Him, by His grace, anticipating when we'll see Him with our own eyes in Heaven!

  2. wow this is wonderful kate. :) thank you!

  3. Newsboys... ahhaha!

    But that is a really great truth. It's wonderful that we are free from sin and living without the saving power of Jesus. I love freedom! :D Thanks for sharing, Katie! :)

  4. That is so cool, Katie!! Here's something that relates...sort I borrowed Joseph's copy of Bible Doctrine and read something along these lines out loud to him and his/my friends.

    "No Christian can be truly 'possessed' by a demon, because if a demon 'possessed' a Christian to the point that the Christian had no free will in the matter whether or not to rid himself of the demon, that would defy what Jesus said about sin no longer having dominion over us."

    That is really great to me, just to consider that when Jesus died for us, he beat Satan and all the demons of hell to the point that they cannot control us. We don't have to fear sin because Christ won dominion over us! So yeah. Freedom in Christ is awesome no matter how you look at it. :)
